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secondary school leaver中文是什么意思

用"secondary school leaver"造句"secondary school leaver"怎么读"secondary school leaver" in a sentence


  • 中学毕业生


  • Recruitment e - post assists secondary school leavers to find jobs
  • The panel also noted the background brief prepared by legislative council secretariat on " provision of sub - degree places for secondary school leavers "
    事务委员会并察悉由立法会秘书处拟备的背景资料简介,该资料简介题为"为中学离校生提供副学位学额" 。
  • The first one was the project yi jin programme , which aims to provide an alternative study route for secondary school leavers who perform less well in the public examinations
  • We will also explore the provision of it training to those secondary school leavers who may wish to pursue an early career in the it field
  • To this end , project yi jin was launched in october 2000 as a new bridging programme , to provide an alternative route and expand the continuing education opportunities for secondary school leavers and adult learners
  • Finally , members were briefed on the progress of the recent summer it training programs for students . these included professional it training for secondary students ; it camps for secondary students , of which five outstanding participants have been selected to join a sponsored visit to it companies in silicon valley ; a sponsorship scheme for secondary school leavers to take practical it training courses so as to enhance their employability ; and a scholarship for tertiary students to take a computer animation and visual effects course in the new york university , usa
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